Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Contemporary Mosque : Dubai mosque

The Dubai Mosque Incorporates contemporary design with Islamic style. Dubai Mosque, designed by architect Fari Hatam, of Aedas, has received much praise for its remarkable mix between contemporary andIslamic design.

Dedicated to be a centre for information and education, the mosque consists of three elements – a dome, a cube and a minaret. Three main elements make up a mosque - a dome, a cube and a minaret. Hatam used Dubai Mosque as an opportunity to push the limits of how these elements can be connected in one form.

Dubai Mosque was a response to what Hatam saw as a city that was misguided and misdirected. 'When I first came to Dubai, everyone was doing the 'World's Biggest This' and the 'World's Tallest That', he said. 'That was the standard. Only a few people were really looking at truly Islamic architecture and no one was concentrating on the mosque.'

His remarkable contemporary design has garnered much international press. ’ . This mosque came from the heart,' said Hatan. 'There was no brief for this, there was no client, that's what makes it so unique.' An enormous amount of research went into how the building would cast shadows from the sun.

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